The event will take place in Moscow on October, 26-29th 2010. in Crocus Expo. HMS Pumps will take place at the grouped stand of holding company OJSC " GMS Group".
We inform you that «HMS Pumps» and ZAO "Gidromashservice" take part in the 8 international exhibition-forum
PCVEXPO-2010 «Pumps. Compressors. Armature. Drives and motors» which will take place in Moscow from October, 26th till October, 29th, 2010 in expocentre «Crocus Expo».
Our specialists will be glad to see you at the incorporated stand of the holding HMS Group which will be placed in pavilion №1, a hall №4, number of stand V4181.
At our stand you can receive the advertising-technical information about produced pumps and the pump equipment, to receive consultations of technical specialists of our enterprises, to discuss prospects of the further cooperation with representatives of a management.