About HMS Group


HMS Group is a dynamically growing diverse corporation that combines leading manufacturing, engineering and construction companies.

Our markets are oil & gas, nuclear and thermal power generation, water supply & utilities, metallurgy etc.

EPC projects for oil & gas and water industry isthe strategic direction of the HMS Group.

Today HMS Group is:

  • one of leaders in pump and modular equipment manufacturing;
  • three main businesses:   
    • Industrial Pumps;     
    • Oil and Gas Equipment;   
    • HMS Compressors;  
  • 14 500 employees; 
  • among clients are major oil & gas, energy, steel & mining, water supply & utilities companies in Russia, CIS and abroad.

Main businesses of the Group: 


Pump development, manufacturing and servicing for:

  • oil & gas: upstream, midstream, downstream;
  • thermal and nuclear power; 
  • water supply & utilities;
  • steel & mining; 
  • chemical processing and other industrial applications.


Compressor development, manufacturing and servicing:

  • centrifugal, screw compressors and systems for various gases; 
  • compressor stations;
  • refrigerator.


Oil&gas equipment development, manufacturing and servicing:

  • wide product range including modular systems for oil& gas field development
  • output metering and flow rate measuring instruments for oil & gas wells, meters and counters for oil & products, gas, steam and water;  
  • repair and service maintenance.


EPC for oil & gas, water supply & utilities:

  • infrastructure for oil & gas field development;
  • water supply and treatment facilities; 
  • main and infield oil & gas pipelines.

Companies of HMS Group

HMS Group consists of leading manufacturing, engineering and construction companies:

- HMS Livgidromash
- Livnynasos, Livny
- Nasosenergomash, Sumy, Ukraine
- Promburvod, Minsk, Belarus
- Bobruisk Machine Building Plant, Bobruisk, Belarus
- Apollo Goessnitz GmbH, Goessnitz, Germany
- Kazancompressormash, Kazan
- NIIturbokompressor, Kazan
- HMS Neftemash, Tyumen
- Sibneftemash, Tyumen
- Sibnefteavtomatika, Tyumen
- Giprotyumenneftegaz, Tyumen
- Nizhnevartovskremservice, Nizhnevartovsk
- Tomskgazstroy, Tomsk
- VNIIAEN, Sumy, Ukraine
- Institute Rostovskiy Vodokanalproekt, Rostov-on-Don
- Dimitrovgradhimmash, Dimitrovgrad