HMS Group is a dynamically growing diverse corporation that combines leading manufacturing, engineering and construction companies.
Our markets are oil & gas, nuclear and thermal power generation, water supply & utilities, metallurgy etc.
EPC projects for oil & gas and water industry isthe strategic direction of the HMS Group.
Today HMS Group is:
one of leaders in pump and modular equipment manufacturing;
three main businesses:
- Industrial Pumps;
- Oil and Gas Equipment;
- HMS Compressors;
14 500 employees;
among clients are major oil & gas, energy, steel & mining, water supply & utilities companies in Russia, CIS and abroad.
Main businesses of the Group:
Pump development, manufacturing and servicing for:
- oil & gas: upstream, midstream, downstream;
- thermal and nuclear power;
- water supply & utilities;
- steel & mining;
- chemical processing and other industrial applications.
Compressor development, manufacturing and servicing:
- centrifugal, screw compressors and systems for various gases;
- compressor stations;
- refrigerator.
Oil&gas equipment development, manufacturing and servicing:
- wide product range including modular systems for oil& gas field development
- output metering and flow rate measuring instruments for oil & gas wells, meters and counters for oil & products, gas, steam and water;
- repair and service maintenance.
EPC for oil & gas, water supply & utilities:
- infrastructure for oil & gas field development;
- water supply and treatment facilities;
- main and infield oil & gas pipelines.
Companies of HMS Group
HMS Group consists of leading manufacturing, engineering and construction companies:
HMS Livgidromash
Livnynasos, Livny
Nasosenergomash, Sumy, Ukraine
Promburvod, Minsk, Belarus
Bobruisk Machine Building Plant, Bobruisk, Belarus
Apollo Goessnitz GmbH, Goessnitz, Germany
Kazancompressormash, Kazan
NIIturbokompressor, Kazan
HMS Neftemash, Tyumen
Sibneftemash, Tyumen
Sibnefteavtomatika, Tyumen
Giprotyumenneftegaz, Tyumen
Nizhnevartovskremservice, Nizhnevartovsk
Tomskgazstroy, Tomsk
VNIIAEN, Sumy, Ukraine
Institute Rostovskiy Vodokanalproekt, Rostov-on-Don
Dimitrovgradhimmash, Dimitrovgrad