Мechanical Assembly & Toolmaking

We consistently increase a number of CNC machines. Main production currently has over 800 units metal cutting equipment including:

  • horizontal and vertical turning centers with 1200mm diameter and up to 8000m length of processing;
  • drilling and boring machines;
  • fleet of milling machines;
  • unique machines for helical surface processing;

Processing site of impellers & brackets for 1К/SM/D/ 1D series pumps is equipped with high-performance machinery from leading international manufacturers to make details with superior quality and main dimensions up to Ø850х900mm. Site capacity = 1800 impellers and 1300 brackets per month.

Вертикальный токарный станок с ЧПУ Doosan сдвоенной компоновки Токарный станок с ЧПУ Doosan для обработки рабочих колес
PUMA VT9002SP CNC vertical twin spindle turning center by DOOSAN  PUMA 400 CNC horizontal turning center by DOOSAN
Рабочее колесо, обработанное на станке DOOSAN
Impellers processed at machinery by DOOSAN

Processing site of shafts consists of two PUMA 2600LY turning centers by DOOSAN and КС-796 milling & centring machine and shafts with up to 1200mm length are processed PUMA 240 turning center by DOOSAN is used for shaft, rod and pin processing. Modernized horizontal boring centers with with DRO (destructive readout) are used for large casing part processing.

PR16.1 thread rolling machine by PROFIROLL is used for hardware manufacturing.

Shaft processing site Shafts for 1D pumps
PR16.1 thread-rolling machine
PR16.1 thread-rolling machine

In toolmaking we use modern CNC machinery: Mv-70en vertical machining center by Mitsubishi and POWER FC 2500 machining centre by SAHOS for dealing with challenges of processing multi-profile surfaces, for example – casting mold parts.

Casting tool manufacturing on М-V70Еn machining center
5-ти осевой обрабатывающий центр POWER FC-2500CNC для изготовления элементов литейной оснасткиИзготовление деревянной оснастки и оснастки из модельных пластиков на 5х координатном обрабатывающем центре POWER FC 2500 CNC фирмы SAHOS
Wooden and plastic detail manufacturing on POWER FC 2500 machining center

For processing of details with multi-profile surface which are not the subject to machining we use ZNCE-50/SVEI-7 electrical discharge machining machines.