The production line of functional and reliable Stations for controlling and protecting electric motors has been added by new model «HMS Control L4». The said Station is designed to ensure the operation, control and protection of the subassemblies and working parts in which good use is made of the three-phase induction electric motors.
Advantages «HMS Control L4» :
- Controller of board type provided with wide and informative LC-display, great number of inputs and outputs.
- Beside of discrete level sensors provision is made for connecting the analog level/pressure sensors with output of 4…20(0…20)мА.
- There is a channel for measuring temperature of the motor winding (in the capacity of sensors use can be made of Pt100 or RTS).
- Available are two communication channels (RS-232 and RS-485) in order to transmit data and to control the station with aid of the GSM- and radio modems.
- Provision is made for alarm history log together with an indication of the date and time of the emergency, current values and voltages, and the temperature at the moment of emergency situation.
- Available is the function of controlling the unauthorized access into the premises with the assembled station and signaling about disturbance.
- The record keeping of operation time of the pump and the quantity of start-ups of the electric motor in order to perform maintenance activities in due time. The quantity of motor start-ups per an hour can be restrained as well.
- For quick starting of the station provision is made in controller menu for «Express Settings Wizard», which provides the User with stepped opportunity to choose the main working parameters under start-up conditions.
A number of parameters is provided with two setting ranges «Warning note» and «Cut-off», thus allowing to keep promptly a close watch on pre-emergency situations during station operation.
For more detailed information about station «HMS Control L4», please, refer to the Product Catalogue.